We do our “deep” cleaning on Friday’s so Saturday’s can be free to play. So I asked the kids to go and clean their rooms. I said “Make sure you clean out your closets, under your dressers, under your beds, and make sure everything gets put in its place!”. How many times have you said that exact same thing? Anyway, I went into their rooms after they said they were done. Everything looked pretty good on the surface, then I started moving stuff around, and this is what I pulled out from under their beds and from the bottoms of their closets!!!! :<
Now don’t you feel better about your kids rooms!? I just had to take a picture and share with all you mom’s and stay at home dad’s out there! I know you are all either laughing or crying right now. I just calmly grabbed my camera and took the pictures and said “put them away one by one”. Anyway, just thought I’d share my FRUSTRATING mom moment for the day!
Oh, I have been there. We just finished cleaning the kids rooms out to get ready for back to school stuff. Kailey's room took us 2 1/2 hours. She is a collector and has collected random things like nuts and bolts and dried plants to gross things like sparkly wrappers and bottle tops. These were hidden all over her room. I could not believe it. She was devastated when I threw them out.