Welcome to the Tips From a Typical Mom blog!
I’m Annette. I grew up in South Dakota and I now live in Utah. And the next question is… “Are you a Mormon? ” Yes, I’m a Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). And the second question is… “Have you been to Mount Rushmore?” Yes, a MILLION times.
I am the youngest of 8 children. I grew up dancing. I loved singing in the school choir. I am an academic preschool teacher, a preschool music teacher, a photographer (check out my work here: Facebook Page), a wanna be graphic designer and a soccer mom.
I am a mother to 5 super cool, awesome, amazing, funny, talented, beautiful children. No, I’m not modest when I talk about them. They have changed my husbands and my life for the better and make our days so enjoyable.
I’m married to a Paraglider. No, I don’t paraglide. I never will. End of story.
My husband had long hair when I met him and I fell totally and completely in love with him instantly. I was a dance teacher when I met him. I was teaching his younger siblings. When I met him, I thought he was already married and had children because he was always taking care of a cute little boy. Turns out, he is the oldest of 12 kids and the boy he was taking care of? He was his little brother. I was so happy he was available!
I love to act crazy and annoying . . . singing and dancing around the kitchen just to embarrass my kids. I love serving my church members as the Young Women President and that just adds to the crazy beautiful thing that is my life.
I am a daughter of God. I know who I am. I know where I’m going.
Read Mormon’s beliefs about Jesus Christ here:
I love sharing my triumphs, stumbles, faith and everyday moments with you, my readers.
I started this blog with my kids in mind. I wanted them to know all the things I’ve learned as a mother. I wanted there to be an easy place they could go to get my recipes and tips on the little things in life (since I’m sure I wont remember any of this when I’m old enough for them to have kids!). I’m not a big journal writer, I am not a great organizer, so I thought a blog was the best thing for me to do.
Everything all in one place and I can take pictures of it all!
Everything all in one place and I can take pictures of it all!
Thank you so much for visiting, and please COMMENT on the posts you like and share the love! I’m glad you’re here.
Hi Annette! It’s so nice to meet you! Your children are so cute! I embarrass my dd by singing 80’s music in the car.
I blog about life/culture from an Alabama perspective. I hope you’ll come by a visit!
The moment you said “calling” in your stressed out mom blog post, I knew you were LDS! I am too!
Hi, Annette; I found your site by accident. It is one of the best I have ever seen. I too have a blog, which I am not happy with. I noticed your is blogspot. Do they help a lot with setting up the blog? Plan to see all you have written.