I am an Activity Days Leader for my church. Which means I do a bi-weekly activity for girls ages 8-11 to get together, learn something new and learn about the gospel. They have a fun little book that they mark off when they’ve accomplished something. They are recognized for their accomplishments when they turn 12.
This week we were talking about “Gossiping”. I HATE gossip. I’ve tried to teach my children that “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. Thumpers mom was brilliant. Of course it’s impossible to stay away from gossip in this modern world of social media. People get more brave about the things they will type about someone, versus actually saying it out loud. It’s at these moments when we need to stop, listen to the words in our head, ask ourselves if they will help or hurt, then make the right decision. We need to ask ourselves, “Does this really need to be said?” and if the answer is “No” then just keep your mouth and typing fingers shut.
We read the girls this story about Heather and how she accidentally gossiped about a friends sister and what she did to make it better. Then we helped the girls make this lip gloss and I printed these fun bookmarks for the girls to remember to keep their words kind.
I love this idea! I have a large group of girls in our ward, even after the recent split I have about 15 (down from 27)! Thanks for the help.
How large in ounces for the Vaseline, I am assuming it’s the large one. and the kool aid packets is there a sugar free kind available
There is no sugar in the kool aid packets, and I bought the large tub of vaseline.
big or small container of Vaseline?
Hi. Trying to find that cute bookmark on gossip but was unsuccessful. Where is it? Thanks!
I looks like they are not available on that web site anymore. But you can click on the image of the book marks to open it in a new window. Then you can right click and choose “save image as” then it will download to your computer and you can print it.
Is it going to taste bitter with just plain kool-aid without sugar?