I don’t know about you, but in my home, with 5 kids, our dishes pile up high by the end of the day. Each day it’s someones responsibility to do the dishes. Sometimes we can fit everything in the dishwasher, sometimes we “can’t fit everything”! Yeah, right! I know I can fit everything in there… I would always say. 😉 So I decided my kids needed a little help. I came up with the brilliant idea (if I do say so myself) of taking a picture of the dishwasher loaded up, printing it and keeping it close by so whomever is loading the dishes will know exactly where to put everything. Now there are no more excuses for a messy, dishes getting thrown all over the place because they weren’t put in the right place, job. Here is what my pictures look like. Don’t judge me, we don’t have nice dishes. Remember… I HAVE 5 KIDS. Why would I buy nice things? Huh?
Laminate the pictures, put them on the ring with your chore cards for the kitchen. WHAT? You don’t have chore cards for your kids! Where have you been?! CLICK HERE to get some and read about how I use them! Their free 🙂
oh this is a great idea:) I only have 3 kids (unless you count husbands and then i have 4, lol!) but they always use the excuse that they don’t know how to load the dishwasher and i run out of patience and do it myself. I’m gonna have to try this.