**Update: Download the 2018 Worksheets HERE.

I love ringing in the New Year for the simple fact that I focus on myself more than any other time of year. I think about the year that has passed and what I’d like to change about the new year approaching.
It’s an important time for my kids also. I help them learn how to create goals and make plans to carry them out. It’s always a good time to focus on schooling and bringing up grades. Teaching my kids HOW to accomplish a goal is just as important as learning how to set goals.
This is why I’ve come up with these fun New Years Resolutions Worksheets and Time Capsules for my kids to fill out as a visual reminder of the goals they have set for themselves and remind them of where they have been in the past year. I will be storing the time capsule in the box with the Christmas Decorations so we can get them out each year and read them. I’ll find a fun little box to put them in, or more likely, I’ll just put them in a folder 🙂
I thought you might like them for your kids too, so you can head over and download your New Years Resolutions Worksheet or Time Capsule Worksheet for yourself.
**Update: Download the 2018 Worksheets HERE.
As an extra step, give your kids a new calendar with a few different colored pens for their rooms. Maybe if their goal is to read scriptures every day, have them use a red pen to add a small x on the day’s they have read. Another goal is to drink more water? Use a blue pen to mark off that day. A small calendar that fits into a school binder will also help students with goals to turn in assignments on time.
New notebooks would be helpful for them to write down the steps to completing each goal. Sit down with them and review their resolutions. Help them think through the steps they need to take to accomplish each goal. Divide the notebook into sections for each resolution. Review the notes weekly or monthly on the same date as a family.
I have a goal for the whole family to regularly write in their journals. So on Sunday’s we have “quite time” and I specifically say “Go and write in your journals”. If it’s on the calendar, it will become a habit for me.
I hope you have an enjoyable New Years Eve with your family! I wish you all the best in 2014!
Please check out this fun round up of New Years Activities for kids from my favorite bloggers:
A cute time capsule and photo booth props from Red Ted Art
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