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Mom Tested Bug Repellents that are Safe for Kids!
If you live in a highly mosquito populated area you know what a pain it is to keep those little pests away from your babies and kids. We all want to go outside and enjoy the beautiful summer nights, but it’s hard when you are miserable from bug bites. We don’t want to use the really strong bug sprays on our little ones either, so what do we do?
Today I have some mom tested and recommended bug repellents and anti-itch tricks that actually work and are mild for our kids.
I belong to a mom group on Facebook and this was a question that one of the moms had asked the other moms. She lives in a humid area and her kids get about 20 bites a day. She needed ideas for itch control and repellent, and all the moms came to the rescue!! I love mom groups. I love it when we are all helping each other. So today I’m sharing their tips with you along with some of my own.
Let’s start with the repellents.
1. TerraSheild from doTERRA: Many comments were about this oil. All you need are a few drops on your neck, wrists and knees and it’s supposed to keep the mosquitos away. You can also add a few drops to a spray bottle with water in it and spray your little ones skin with it. You can also spray it around your porch and it works wonders.
2. Use a DIY All Natural Spray. One essential community has a great recipe for an all natural repellent spray that is safe for kids and pets. Check out their recipe here.
3. Spray your yard. Cutter has a natural spray that you can hook right to your garden hose and spray your yard to cut way back on the amount of mosquitoes you have in your yard. This one says it’s safe for pets too!
4. Dryer Sheets. I had never heard this one, but more than one person recommended it. Rub your skin with a dryer sheet, or just keep it under your hat, or in your pocket. I guess the mosquitoes don’t like the smell and will stay away.
5. Insect Repellent Bracelets. These also were highly recommended, but they did say that you have to have one on each ankle and each wrist. So you’d need 4 per person. Since they are inexpensive and you can buy them in large quantities on Amazon, I think that’s totally doable. Check out all the cute ones I found! Click on the picture to open them in Amazon.
Lot’s of cute ones to choose from huh? I think I like the snap ones. They are adjustable for adults, children and babies. Smart! Click the picture to purchase.
6. Creamy Baby Oil. I am surprised at this one. They use this as the repellent. I guess the mosquitoes don’t like the oil, or the scent and will fly away before biting.
7. Avon Skin So Soft Repellent. A lot of people have had success with this one. They like that is not as harsh as most repellents.Â
8. Plant lavender. It’s said that lavender is a natural repellent for most gnats and mosquitoes. So plant it all around your yard and enjoy the beautiful purple plants and keep those bugs away.
9. Fans and Tikki Torches. Supposedly, fans keep them away because they don’t like wind. And the Tikki Torches scare them away. But you have to have them burning quite a while before they start working.
10. Johnsons & Johnsons Baby Oil Gel. Again, I think it’s the oil the bugs don’t like. And since it’s a gel, it shouldn’t be too oily.
Now let’s talk about what to do when your kids do get bit. How do we keep them from itching and help them sleep?
1. Deodorant. It sounds silly, but this really works. I’ve tried it and it’s so great! You already have it at home, so go ahead and let’s see if you like it. Let me know how it works out for you in the comments.
2. Neosporin and band-aids on each bite. If the kids can’t get to the bite to itch it, it will heal faster. And the less you itch it, the less it itches. I like the round band-aids for bites. It seals all the way around.
3. Defining Gel. One mom says her son gets huge welts from bites and she rubs the defining gel from It Works and it takes care of the swelling and itching. Magic!! Here is a 5 oz. sample size which I think would be plenty to use on tiny bites.
4. Benedryl Gel. This one really works great and it’s a great price.
5. AfterBite Eraser. We have this and use it all the time. It doesn’t last long, but it stops the itch right away.
What about you? Do you have any great home, or safe remedies for kids mosquito bites? Leave them in the comments and I’ll add them to my post!
I just wanted to say thanks Annette for these types of reviews. So helpful!